Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hands of Love

It was to be a special evening where Curtis would present Lucy with her wedding rings. The rings had to be repaired so Curtis wanted to make it a special romantic presentation for his beloved Lucy. Curtis made a card with the standard wedding vows and was set to take Lucy to a nice restaurant. But it was not to be.

On the way to the restaurant Curtis got a call from the rest home of his mom. His mom was sent to the emergency for choking problems. Lucy and Curtis quickly changed plans and ate a quick bite before going to the hospital. At the hospital they found mom just fine. They sat with her for the next two hours while they answered the same questions over and over and over. It was quite terrible.

Finally they left the hospital, got mom something to eat, took mom to her home, got her settled down for the night and finally sat alone in the car at the rest home parking lot.

Here Curtis gave Lucy the rings and card. They celebrated in the parking lot with some terrible cookies from Jamba Juice. Never eat the Jamba Juice brownies. It was not the totally romantic evening.

The hands have grown old together. They are now laced with wrinkles and signs of wear. But they understand each other and love each other much more than thirty years ago when they first held. Only God knows how much longer blood will flow through these veins but as long as there is life they will hold each other steadfast--yes, even in hospital emergency rooms.

Lucy + Curtis = Everlasting Love

(signed Curtis)


Gallagators said...

What a sweet post!!
I'm so sorry your romantic evening didn't get to happen. I again feel bad that the responsibility of taking care of grandma is on your shoulders alone. Thank you for all you do.

Anonymous said...

aww, that's still romantic even if it wasn't as planned. props to you Daddy!

Anonymous said...

Your hands are more veiny they wrinkly.....