Monday, September 08, 2008

Church Picnic with Isaac and Family

We went with Isaac, Carolyn, Jason and their church to a picnic at a park in Livermore. It was Isaac's first picnic. He was very upset that he did not get any of the ribs. At least that is what I thought he told me.

This was a fun game. A string has a golf ball attached at each end. Then you try to throw it and have it land on a ladder like stand as shown above. The top rung is 3 points, the next is 2 points and the lowest is 1 point. If you land on the rung with your opponents string you cancel their points. The ladies won.

There is nothing like being a grandparent. It is the best.

The best sound on planet earth is the laugh of a baby.

Well, this was not at the park; but I had to fit it in somewhere.

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