Saturday, March 14, 2009

Skylights Replacement Part 2

Here is Curtis in his tar clothes beginning another skylights replacement day.
This is how the day began with the new plywood.
Here is a curb mounted on the skylight hole. The skylight will fit on the curb.
This roll roofing will be used upside down on the plywood.
The "torchlight" material is put on the rool roofing with a torch.
The can on the right is known as mastic in the trade and it is used as a patch on holes and at the edges. The asphalt emulsion is used at the end and smeared over everything else. It holds the gravel and fills any small holes. Today we did not put on the asphalt emulsion because it is water based and it is due to rain tonight. It will be put on next week, it only takes an hour or so. The roof is leak free without it. See below in the testing phase.
Here Darrel puts on the roof roll.
Here he puts the torchlight on.
Here he torches the bond between the roof roll and the torchlight material.
Here is the torch.More torching.

The mastic has been put on the edges and corners. In the mastic is put a mesh-like material to give it strength. It does not really look done because the asphalt emulson and gravel have not yet been put on. However, it is leak free.
The work passes the test!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God.

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