Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday in Hong Kong

I could not sleep any more after 5:30am so I decided to get up. After some time in the word, I did a full workout—an hour on the treadmill and then weights.

I took the MTR (like Bart but much better) to Central Kowloon and went to the Evangelical Community Church of Hong Kong. The style is very similar to our Bridges Church but the ethnic diversity of the congregation was amazing. The message about God's love "really hit the spot" in this busy city of millions with not a single person who cares whether I live or die. After church I had a delicious but small chicken pot pie and green tea and felt a little refreshed. I was feeling worn out. The lack of sleep was not helping any. In the afternoon I walked around in the flower market and in the bird market. It looks like a hobby for lots of older men is birds.

I finally got back to the hotel mid-afternoon feeling very tired.

I have internet access in the executive suite on the 30th floor. It is nice up here, with a good view of the Tuen Wan area of eastern Hong Kong (more accurately Kowloon).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you didn't pay a few hundred for the tea this time?