Monday, April 27, 2009

Congratulations to Rachel and Jedidiah

The Great Grandchild #6 is from Mom's (Lorraine's) perspective of course. The rest of the collage summarizes the awesome event.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

An afternoon walk

The Beemans had an active Day. Lucy played tennis for two hours, mowed the lawns and then did a 2 hour (~ 5.5 mile) hike with Jason, Carolyn, Isaac and Curtis. (Curtis swam instead of playing tennis). The view was nice and though somewhat breezy, very pleasant and refreshing. Isaac seemed to best enjoy being on Jason's or Carolyn's shoulders.

Jason and Carolyn have been doing a lot of walking lately. Good for them. Isaac has not exactly been walking but we think that is coming soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Honor Society and Award for Briana

Briana was inducted into the prestigous Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. There was a special induction ceremony. Also she recieved the Phyllis Esslenger Heritage Endowment. The only stipulation is she has to write a research paper on nursing history in California.

Mom and Dad are very proud!

Shasta's Last Hike

Shasta has hiked to Mission Peak many times yet she is now 11 years old (77 human years old) and this last time she could only go a little distance. The heat, a short sprint up hill and especially her age made it necessary for Lucy to bring her back home and put cold towels on her. She panted and coughed for over an hour. Like Shasta, many of us find that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Oh for that day when we will have that new and perfect body without limitations. age and disease.

This was the start of the hike with the church cell group. Three of us made it to the top.

My heart is at rest when it is on top of the mountain. But oh how weary it can be in the valley of the shadow. (Can you see anything "different" in the above picture?)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Briana's New Purse

Curtis made a second purse. This one was for Briana for an early birthday present.

San Diego Vacation Part 2

We attended church with Trisha and family. At the service they filled a cross with flowers. It was beautiful.
Later we went on a picnic. Tavo was not thrilled with his new hat.

... so Briana had to try it on.

Sometimes Tavo would let us hold him.
We travelled home on Highway 1. It was extremely windy and beautiful. The sea lions were not phased by the wind.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Visit with Tavo and Family

Lucy, Briana and Curtis have been visiting Tavo, Trisha and Gustavo. It has been awesome.

Briana is here with Gustavo and Chloe.

We visited the YMCA where Trisha works.

Thursday, April 02, 2009
