Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

The families of Jason and Carolyn gathered at Eddie and Kerry's house for the best marianated turkey ever made, homemade pies and other wonders prepared by Eddie. After the turkey time we played games. See Catherine carefully remove a block in the Jinga game.

We got a little crazy (above).

Monday, November 20, 2006

Cedar Pines

We visited Mike and Becky and Zari (shown in the picture in Lake Gregory) at Cedar Pines.
This is Becky's office, is it possible to have a better place to work? It is like working in a treehouse. Incidentally she has squirrel friends.
Jason and Carolyn (above) walked around the lake with Curtis and Lucy (shown below). Briana and Becky also came.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sea World

The day after the wedding the family recovered from the preparations ordeal by going to the Sea World in San Diego. The weather was perfect, except for Curtis who of course thought it was too cold.

The Proposal

Another wedding is coming. Jedidiah, the nephew of Curtis and Lucy, will marry Rachel December 30 in Wisconsin. What fun, a wedding in the snow of Wisconsin! Jedidiah officially proposed November 19, creating a Treasure Hunt at the beach of San Diego. Rachel had to find Jedidiah using clues that Jedidiah had left. The treasure was of course the engagement ring (or maybe Jedidiah, who was waiting at the end of the hunt.)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Trisha and Gustavo's Wedding

Trisha and Gustavo were married at New Hope Church in San Diego. More pictures will be coming later from the professional.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tennis Titans Win Close Match

Lucy and her partner Jean won a close tennis match (6-4, 4-6, 7-5) on a beautiful, sunny fall afternoon.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fish Walk

Briana had a speech project where they had to establish a norm in society. Their project was that fish need to be walked. So they got two goldfish, named Burt and Ernie, in a fish bowl and put the bowl on a platform with wheels. They then tied a leash to the platform and walked their fish in the mall. Briana apparently almost fell over with laughter and the people in the mall crowded around the display with very inquisitive looks, apparently trying to figure out what was happening. Some people used their cell phones to take pictures. I am trying to get a picture of this uproarious event.

12 Furry Legs on the Move

Lucy took Shasta, Skyler and Darcy for a walk around Lake Elizabeth. Lucy and Curtis had time to talk about the coming wedding.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Fishing at Del Valle Lake

Eddie rented a power boat for us. Thanks Eddie. We zoomed all over the lake in style.

Rob caught a pole. It is much easier to clean than a fish.

Jason enjoys an early morning bit of humor. The humor was livelier than the fish.

Eddie had a big one but it got away.

Soon after Eddie's get-away-fish, Curtis had a big bite.

Curtis brought in the prize, 5 pounds 10 ounces.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Curtis' Halloween Costume

Curtis used the Celtic sword that Jason gave him to become Braveheart for Halloween. Mel Gibson, watch out.